
今天一早在Intel IDP開放論壇中給了一個Talk,主題是關於量子計算程式編譯器設計。內容上與上次在APS March Meeting差不多。而在今年的DAC我也主辦了一個Workshop來介紹Intel Quantum SDK。

2022 DAC Workshop: Software Stack Design for Quantum Computing




To use the Intel® Quantum SDK, you will need to create a few Intel accounts prompted by the following links.

1.            Sign up for Intel® DevCloud (https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/forms/idz/devcloud-registration.html)

o             Wait for and complete the email confirmation step.

2.            Register at Intel® Communities (https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/forms/support-community-user-registration.html)

o             Be sure to set a Display Name by visiting Intel Communities. (https://community.intel.com/t5/Intel-Quantum-SDK/gh-p/intel-quantum-sdk)

3.            Complete this SDK registration form to gain access to the SDK. (https://bit.ly/quantumSDK)

o             When your access is confirmed, you’ll receive an email notice and a message through Communities.

X. Ryan
X. Ryan


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